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Emergency - What now?

Urgent complaints

Ask for help

If you feel very bad or desperate, the most important thing is that you share this with people around you. If you are receiving treatment from Praktijk Lastage, I, as a practitioner, and your general practitioner also belong to ‘people around you’. I read my e-mail on a daily basis, even outside my regular working days. You will receive a response from me as soon as possible and no later than the next working day. Should I be on vacation, you can contact my locus (temporary replacement). If you send me an e-mail, you will automatically receive his or her details if applicable.

Do understand that Praktijk Lastage does not have a 24/7 crisis service. Nevertheless, a situation may arise in which you urgently need or wish to receive help. How best to act depends on the degree of urgency of your problem/situation. Use the information below as a guideline when estimating the degree of urgency:

  1. Call 1 1 2 in an acute, life-threatening situation.
  2. Call your gp's emergency number in case of a very high, but not life-threatening emergency.
  3. Urgent questions that can wait until the next working day can be send via the contact form on the website or by leaving a message on tel: +31 6 301 50 556. In that case, also let me know how I can best reach you.

In addition to your practitioner at Praktijk Lastage and your general practitioner, you can also contact This organization offers support if you are thinking about suicide. You can always call this organization on telephone number: 0900 113 0113.